Signs You’re Overdue For a Night In

Sunday morning. You’re either just going to bed now, or waking up with an earth shattering headache. That is, if you did the weekend right. It was all going fine until tequila, then everything gets kind of blurry. Now that you mention it, the whole first half of the summer is kind of blurry. And the 4th of July is right around the corner. If you read this list and think “wow, I could have wrote that,” yeah. Take a break for a weekend and let your body rest before you get star spangled hammered in two weeks. Otherwise, you might be letting freedom ring from the bathroom floor.

Recently when people ask you what you’ve been up to you have to answer with

While your weekend started like

But quickly spiraled into

And you woke up today like

So now you’ll be spending the day explaining your choices by saying

But after seeing your debit card statement, your parents won’t even answer the phone because they know it’s going to be you begging for money.

They don’t understand that financing your drinking and late night eating habit is a two person job.

It’s gotten so bad you’ve recently been couch diving to afford the $5 bottle of wine at Wine Wednesday

You’ve spent days questioning friends what you did to bruise your entire body

You may have even had to squeeze a hospital trip into your drinking schedule to deal with a drunken injury

And while this life style is an absolute blast, you can’t remember the last time you and your bed had some quality time

Or when you used Netflix without drunkenly passing out halfway through whatever you chose.

And besides all your physical, mental, and financial problems, stories about your escapades are a popular part of dinner conversations with your friends

Who then follow the stories with exclamations about how they just “can’t even drink like that anymore” now that they have big girl jobs

But now that you think about it, the whole “hang in without pants” thing sounds nice every once in a while

On top of not having to wear a bra, it might be great to drink wine out of a proper wine glass.

Plus you don’t really know what’s going on in your friends life

Yup,  a night on the couch with your girls watching some shitty rom-com and laughing at your past weekend (while drinking moscato) is just what the doctor ordered for today’s massive hangover.

You and your friends bored with the regular popcorn and nachos for a movie night? Snack on our yummy pizza recipes or try out the healthy summer salsa before your 4th of July BBQ’s next weekend!


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