Tag Archives: Netflix

21 Reasons Why I Drink Wine

1. It always tastes good.

2. It never lies to me.

3. It’s a great reason to get together with friends.

4. It’s a great reason not to get together with friends – Hello, Netflix!

5. Olivia Pope drinks it.

olivia and wine

6. It helps me relax.

7. It helps me get wild.

8. It comes in lots of shapes, sizes, and colors – Diversity is important.

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9. It’s a great matchmaker.

10. It helps me sleep through the night.

11. It gives me an excuse to snapchat @FMGMoscato.

12. It makes me a good dancer.

13. I feel sophisticated when I drink it.

blair drinking wine14. It goes well with cheese… and cheese is everything.

15. It never argues back.

16. I can buy it at Target aka the best store in the world.

target lady

17. It gives me confidence.

18. It helps me make bad decisions.

19. It comforts me after I make the bad decisions.

20. It can make plane rides more entertaining.

ready to party21.  Because, duh.

There are a million more reasons and I would’ve written them, but I have to go and open another bottle.  What are some of yours? Happy Wining!

FMGMoscato is on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram!

Not all images belong to FMGMoscato. Click images for sources.

15 Things that Need to Stop Happening

These are some trends that need to be stopped immediately. I’m guilty of doing some these things, I will admit. But at some point we all need to let go of our obsession with eyebrows and Katniss Everdeen/Tris Prior.

ann perkins

1. Coconut Water. I need everyone whose pretending they like it to stop. It tastes like actual toilet water and it will definitely cure your hangover… by making you throw-up.


2. Snap stories. We all post them, I know. I’ve seen some of yours, FMGM ladies, and a lof of them are actually hilarious. But some of us need to re-evaluate the things we’re posting and how often we post them. 160 seconds worth of drunkenly waving your phone around recording a concert is annoying. 90% of the time our snap friends only watch them to get rid of the notification.

dystopian novels

3. Dystopian novels. So there’s a teenage girl and a love triangle but she’s also the leader of some rebellion against the government and she has to choose between the two boys but also fight the powers that be. How original.


4. James Franco and Seth Rogen movies. Pineapple Express was funny but if these sweaty stoners get us into a war with North Korea for the sake of comedy then I will gladly take them out myself.


5. “Literally.” We all use this word far too much. I don’t even know how to use it in the correct way anymore. I literally don’t even know (ha, gotcha. I do know how to use it)


6. Hangovers. The older I get, the worse they get. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we could get blackout and then be a functioning human being the next day?


7. Candid pictures. The candid photo gig is up, everybody knows pictures don’t turn out as cute as the ones of you and your sorority sisters. The internet knows they’re staged, stop trying. Real candids have double chins and crossed eyes not beautiful flowy hair and perfect laugh faces.


8. Shitty Flower Crowns. I am all for wearing flowers on my head, I think it’s cute and adorable. What’s not adorable is when some poor girl is rocking a shitty one from Icing or Charlotte Russe. There’s tons of cute ones on Etsy, you can even get them customized with your favorite colors and flowers! Spend a little extra money and save yourself from looking trashy.

lol crying

9. Boys trying to DJ. I don’t know what it is about a few drinks of alcohol and a nice stereo system, but boys who think they can DJ need to be stopped. They may have a bro tank and Beats but that does not make them Diplo. Step away from the laptop, boys.


10. Fro-yo. What is the obsession with fro-yo? Ice cream is like the hot guy you want and fro-yo is the hot guy’s subpar best friend you settle with. After you add all your toppings, it has just as many calories as regular ice cream and doesn’t taste nearly good enough.


11. Boasting about binge-watching. Binge-watching is not a phenomenon anymore. We can all stop acting like we’re unique for watching House of Cards in less than 24 hours.


12. The obsession with eyebrows. When people say “at least I don’t have bad eyebrows”…. um okay? You know what matters more than someone’s eyebrows? Almost all things. If someone wants to draw theirs on with a pencil, let them. If someone wants to never pluck them, good for them. Stop worrying about eyebrows.

thanks huffpo

13. Boys who say “It’s not attractive when girls wear…..” The day I dress for a boy will be the day they bury me in my coffin to meet Jesus. I have more important things to do then attract some crusty ass boys who actually care about what I wear enough to comment on it #whyimsingle #nofuckstogive


14. Tattoos that use a combination of feathers/dandelions, birds, and a quote. Especially “take these broken wings and learn to fly.” There’s a whole tumblr dedicated to these unoriginal tattoos. Check it out.


It’s Time To Go Back To Your College Town

Summer is great, we all know that. But it really can’t compare to the feeling of moving back into your apartment or sorority with your best friends. Summer is fun for the first two months and then July rolls around and we’re ready to get out of our hometowns, be done with our internships and head back to the place we really call home; our beautiful campuses. I’ve almost checked out of my internship completely (you’re all lying if you say you haven’t) and I have a countdown until I can move into my new apartment. Here are some reasons why it’s time to go back to school:


1. Wearing Norts all day, every day

2. Football season


3. Tailgating

4. Waking up at 5 am for tailgating and breakfast club.


5. Your favorite bartender misses you

6. The bouncers who hate you miss the entertainment they get from laughing at your drunk ass


7. Skipping class to watch Netflix

8. Your fuck buddy


9. Having sex

10. House parties

11. Fraternity parties

12. Your regular table at the local Mexican restaurant misses you


13. Seeing your friends everyday

14. Being able to walk to your classes

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15. Your school’s gym/rec center

16. Visiting your friends at other schools

17. You actually miss going to class

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18. Fall ( every girl in the history of the world loves Fall more than most things, don’t lie to yourself)

19. Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I’ve never actually had one but I know they’re right behind Karkov as the official drink of college girls)

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20. Hearing the song “I Love College” seven hundred and fifty thousand times

21. Two Dollar Tuesdays

22. Cheap alcohol at the bars (Dollar shots, anyone?)

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23. Wearing sweaters and boots and looking identical to every other girl on campus. But it’s okay because we all look amazing in them

24. Cute single boys everywhere

25. Getting new school supplies and clothes (because we’re all still 16 at heart)

26. Free condoms at the health center. Seriously, they just give them to you


27. Going dark with your hair for fall and winter #brunettepower

28. Drinking on Mondays. Or Tuesdays. Or  Wednesdays

29. Basically being able to drink whenever you want


30. Seriously, even on Sundays

31. Your favorite campus restaurant and all their delicious food

32. Watching the freshmen wander around with the lost look on their faces

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33. Watching freshmen attempt to get into the campus bars with their fake IDs

34. The bathroom line in bars

35. Making new friends in the bathroom line

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36. Actually getting an A after studying your ass off for a hard exam

37. Spending hours in the library studying, so you can go to the bar later, of course

38. The Nearly Naked Mile (every school does those, right?)

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39. Homecoming Week

40. Going back to school means you’re one month closer to TomorrowWorld (if any of you FMGM girls are going, let me know!)

41. Not actually getting carded because the bouncers know who you are

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42. Waking up with smeared bar stamps on your arms

43. Octobongs and keg stand


44. Porchin. The ultimate college hobby

45. Being surrounded by thousands of people who all love your school as much as you do

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Let’s all take a moment of silence for how perfect our schools are. Start your countdowns, ladies. We’ll all be back where we belong before we know it!

(A special thanks to all of my beautiful, drunk friends for letting me use their pictures for this post!)

Don’t miss a post- FMGMoscato is on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram!

*Images don’t belong to FMGMoscato, click picture for source.

Life, Liberty & the Love of Wine ~ America

The Declaration of Independence’s second stanza reads:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all wine is created equal, that each winemaker holds certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and the pursuit of Moscato.”


…oh, that’s not exactly how it went? Well, I’m sure it’s close enough.

Tomorrow is July 4th and all of America will drink to remember the day our country declared itself free from England (and to forget losing in the World Cup this week…ugh). As we celebrate the day that we became Independent, let’s remember some other reasons why America is AWESOME.

Like we published a few weeks ago, this year America surpassed France as the leading nation in wine consumption.


America is the reason the Red Solo Cup is what it is today.


The United States is the largest producer of cheese on Earth. Yup.


Approximately 3 billion pizzas are sold in the US every year, and pizza is a $30 billion per year industry.


The origin of ‘tailgating’ began in United States.


Not to mention, so did ‘Beer Pong.’ It was said to have begun at Dartmouth College.


And speaking of that, America is home to more than half of the top ten best universities in the world.


Last year’s Sexiest Man Alive was born and bred here in the states.




We are NOT responsible for Justin Bieber. #blameCanada


Baseball = America’s pastime. (And boys with nice booties.)




Captain America (Chris Evans) *swoon*


Stephen Colbert. *drop mic*


The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper…lol.


And so much more.

Basically, regardless of what is going on in the world, being American is a privilege. So put your drinks up and cheers to our beautiful nation and it’s 238th birthday. Here’s to many more.

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And because it just feels relevant,

\Don’t miss a post – FMGMoscato is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram! Images do not all belong to FMGMoscato. Click for sources.

Biggest Pet Peeves

We all have those things that drive us absolutely crazy.  For the most part, they are all first world problems, but they are serious pet peeves nonetheless.  Here are just a few things that put me over the edge.

When people wait until they get to the front of the line to decide their order at Starbucks.

what is taking so long

For the most part, there is always at least a 5 minute wait in the Starbucks line.  That is more than enough time for anyone to figure out if they want one or two shots of espresso.  Now you’re totally going to be late for work.

Under boob sweat.   


There is nothing more disgusting.  Okay, so maybe there is, but it’s still really gross.

Not being able to match eyeliner on each eye.

eyeliner problems

You’ve gotten the cat-eye look perfect on your right eye, but you made your left eye too thick.  So, you go back to thicken your right eye and then your small and subtle wing has suddenly made it’s way across your face.  Now you have to start over.

When Netflix is buffering.


Isn’t it annoying when you’re halfway through House of Cards and Netflix just stops?  Like, WTF.  That spiraling circle is like the spiraling circle of death.  See you later, Frank Underwood.

People using the word, “moist.”

you disgust me

Hands down, probably the most heinous word in the English language.  Have you noticed that every girl hates this word?

The new girl at the gym stealing YOUR elliptical.

watch your back

Who in the world is this girl and WHY is she using my machine? I don’t even like coming to the gym, MUCH LESS do I like running on an unfamiliar elliptical.

Inconvenient periods.

are you kidding me


There is nothing worse than Mother Nature blessing you with your monthly gift at the most inconvenient times.  Beach vacations; the first time seeing your boyfriend in weeks; Memorial Day when EVERYONE wears white… It never fails.

I have so many pet peeves that I would be here forever if you wanted me to list them all, but these were just a few that really grind my gears.  What things annoy you the most?  Let us know!

Don’t miss a post – FMGMoscato is on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram! Images don’t all belong to FMGMoscato: Click for sources.

Why You Should Live Alone

College is a great time to live with friends and have fun. Living with people who aren’t your family is something that doesn’t usually happen until college. Getting your first apartment with your best friends can be super fun or super scary, it’s a great time to learn if you’re the kind of person who loves to live with other people or would prefer to live alone. This year, I learned that living with roommates is something that is a) super scary b) I am not good at and b) I hope never to do again in a million years. So here’s the list of reasons why living alone will be better than living with roommates from my experiences.

1. You can be as messy or as clean as you want to be

When living with roommates, keeping your apartment clean and doing your dishes, cleaning up your messes, etc, is necessary to a peaceful living situation. Some roommates may not understand this and leave their dirty dishes in the sink for weeks or never clean up after themselves. Maybe you’re the roommate who does this. If you live alone you don’t have to worry about pissing people off by being dirty and you don’t have to get pissed off over your roommates not cleaning up after themselves.
2. You don’t have to wear pants

As far as I’m concerned, this will be the highlight of my 1 bedroom apartment next year. When you live alone, you can walk around naked and nobody will know. You don’t have to wear pants, ever. Your apartment can be declared a pants free zone (think of how much less you’ll have to do laundry).
3. You can stay in all weekend and nobody will ever know your true laziness

Some weekends you just feel like laying in bed and watching Netflix all weekend. In a situation with roommates, you can feel their judgment from afar as you finish up the third season of Grey’s in one sitting while eating your second helping of mac and cheese. If you live alone, nobody has to know that you didn’t leave your apartment once during the weekend. You can relax and enjoy doing absolutely nothing without anybody ever knowing exactly how lazy you actually are.
4. Nobody will eat your food (and you won’t eat anybody else’s food)

I’m guilty of eating my roommates junk food, especially when I try to be healthy and buy absurd things like spinach and raspberries instead of Doritos and Ben & Jerry’s. If you’re trying to eat healthy, you won’t have any tempting junk food to snack on. If you’re a junk food eater, nobody will be there to watch you consume an entire box of Cheez-Its in less than two days. The bottom line is, you won’t have to worry about your leftovers not being in the fridge when you get home from class and you won’t have to panic when you hear the door opening just as you have your hand in your roommates chips.
5. There won’t be any awkward kitchen run-ins when you’re fighting with your roommates

hahahahaha omg this picture
If you’re like me, you lived with friends… and you fought with them. It’s awkward when you’re fighting with your roommates and you’re both in the kitchen at the same time cooking dinner or you’re out in the common areas of your house/apartment and they are too. If you don’t live with your friends, you don’t have this problem. If you live with friends, fighting with them can be extremely awkward and weird. If you live with randoms, it can be less so since you don’t actually want to hang out with them or talk to them about things. When you don’t see the people you’re fighting with every single day in your own apartment, it’s usually easier to get over your fight and apologize. An age-old saying that I didn’t actually believe until this year was “The quickest way to ruin a friendship is by living with your friends,” so do yourself a favor, live alone and invite your girls over for wine/BFF nights to catch up and hang out. Then when you’re done being social, send them on their way and go back to 1 BR bliss. (For tips on how to get over roommate fights, check out this article!)
6. You don’t have to pay for damages/electric bills/fines that you didn’t commit

arrested development
When living with roommates, a lot of stuff can happen to an apartment that costs everybody money even if everyone isn’t at fault for the costs. You come home from work one day and notice a hole in the wall or a broken bedroom door, nobody will confess to doing it so you have to end up paying for part of the damages cost. Your roommate constantly turns on the air conditioning without shutting windows, that waste of cold air is going straight onto your check at the end of the month. Situations like this can be awkward, especially if you’re paying for things that you have no responsibility for. When you live alone, your $120.00 electric bill is all your own, the broken shades on the window are because of you. You know that all of the costs you’re going to have to pay when you move out are because of things you did, not things your roommates did.
7. You don’t have to worry about weird/annoying roommate friends coming over

Everybody has that one roommate who always has random friends over and there’s always that girls who talks too loud in her raspy voice. She turns up at your apartment a few times a week, you know it’s her just by the sheer volume of her rasp before you even see her. Roommates with annoying friends can be a bother, especially if the guest they have over is unwanted or unwelcome. You don’t like Raspy Voice but you can’t technically do anything to get her out/keep her out of your apartment so you have to listen to her tell skanky bar stories through the thin walls of your apartment.

8. No male visitors or strange noises in the night

You don’t have to hear your roommates having weird sex late at night. You don’t have to watch these guys slip awkwardly out the front door the next morning on their walk of shame. This one goes both ways. If you’re the one with male visitors, you don’t have to worry about your roommates hearing you or walking in on (which I’ve done to a roommate and it was horrifying). You don’t have to worry about being judged for your string of one night stands and you don’t have to worry about running into your roommates one night stands in the hallway. Living alone prevents any awkward situations that arise from boys and sex.
9. No more running into roommates with the bathroom door open

That’s the worst time to run into someone, whether they’re using the toilet or naked after showering and forgot to close the door. It’s just awkward, close the door when you’re busy in the bathroom people!
10. You can dance to Beyonce whenever you want

You can dance and sing as loudly and as stupidly as you want without anyone ever hearing or seeing you act like a fool. You can turn your music up and twerk on the walls, nobody will ever be the wiser. I personally love singing and dancing stupidly, I can’t wait to run around my apartment in my towel pretending that I’m in Jay-Z’s latest music video.
11. You can indulge in all of your weird/loud hobbies


You like to play video games or read sci-fi books, maybe you do yoga or workout videos or you’re learning to play an instrument. No roommates means you don’t have to hide your Game of Thrones books anymore or try to do warrior ll in your tiny bedroom. You can learn to play the guitar without having to bother your roommates with hours of practicing. You shouldn’t ever feel embarrassed or like you need to hide your interests, but if you’re shy about them then living alone allows you to openly do what you love.
12. No one will steal/borrow your stuff

I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked into a roommates room and seen something of mine hanging in their closet. It’s frustrating when roommates borrow your things without asking you or don’t return what they borrow. It can lead to some serious blowouts and awkwardness if you feel like confronting them about it. When you’re by yourself, nobody is going to borrow the dress you were planning on wearing out.
13. You will be forced to make new friends

Living with roommates always guarantees you have someone to go out with or somebody to get dinner with. When you live alone, you almost have to force yourself to make new friends because your roommates aren’t there for you whenever something is going on. Living alone is great for having people over too, you’re more likely to invite friends over if you don’t have to worry about your roommates walking around in towels or hanging out in the living room when you were planning on doing that.


Living with roommates can be fun, but living alone can be just as fun and a lot more comfortable and drama free. Whatever you prefer, you should enjoy your living situation and make the best of it!

If you love living with roommates and want to read more roomie posts on FMGM, check out this article and this article!

Don’t miss a post – FMGM is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!

*Images don’t belong to FMGMoscato. Click images for sources.

10 Reasons Why You Should Binge Watch OITNB Season 2 All Weekend

We’ve all waited extremely patiently for Netflix to finally release the second season of Orange is the New Black and we have FINALLY been rewarded. Today, Netflix releases ALL THIRTEEN EPISODES OF SEASON TWO, LADIES!!! You know what that means. You are ALL staying in tonight, ordering in pizza, killing a bottle of vino, and watching your favorite jailbirds dance, fight, make-out and scheme against guards for 12+ hours.

In case the pizza/wine/couch-time isn’t enough, here are ten reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty about spending your entire weekend binge-watching Orange is the New Black.

1. THIS is where we left off.


And I think this is reason enough to HAVE to tune back in ASAP. Where will the story go from here? We have reason to believe Pennsatucky is not dead, but Piper DEFINITELY just beat the shit out of her. So that’s a pretty good starting point. Also screw Officer Healy for not lending a hand when Piper was getting cornered. What a dickbag.

2. Piper Chapman: To Hate or to Love. That is the question.


I know I went back and forth multiple times in Season One, one moment loving Piper and the next, hating her. Sometimes she has spunk and sass and isn’t afraid to go after what she wants (whether it’s Alex she wants, or to kick someone’s ass after the Christmas pageant). But other times, she’s such a pussy who I’m GLAD Larry dumped. Anyway, I’m excited to see her character develop this season. Because if my instincts are right, she was fucked enough at the end of season one that she’s going to be locked, loaded and ready to blow coming into Season Two.

3. Sex, Sex & More Sex


According to Indiewire.com, this season escalates “the sexual content to almost an extreme level,” and apparently, there is a “cunnilingus contest” that stretches over two episoes. El oh el. PLUS not only is there female nudity in this season, there is some male nudity too!! YAY PENISES!

4. Crazy Eyes


Crazy Eyes is in my top-two for favorite characters on this show. She is hilarious and if you disagree then you don’t know what funny is (mean but true). I love her character because it’s so genuine. While she crushed on Piper, she then got crushed by Piper. One day she’s wondering about who her new wife is, and the next, why everyone calls her crazy eyes. She’s such a dynamic character and I love to love her.

5. Taystee


Taystee is the shit. I know it, you know, and most importantly, she knows it. She tells it like it is, is hilarious, and ain’t afraid to speak her mind. Her friendship with Poussey is adorable, and we will get to see the two of them interact again this season. Look forward to lots of dance moves, hilarious one-liners, and the continued development of one of the cutest friendships on television today.

6. Matt McGorry

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So I have been lucky enough to lock eyes with with hunk of a prison guard a few times on the NYC Subway but not all of you have had that pleasure. I KNOW you’ve been counting the days to see that flirty little grin (and also his chiseled bod under that guard uniform) again, and it’s FINALLY HERE!!!

7. You’ll feel a little gay for Alex Vause but that’s okay.


Talk about #WCW, Laura Prepon is SO HOT in this show. Like seriously hot. She would 100% be my jail girlfriend if I was ever locked up. I don’t know if I love her attitude or her eyebrows more, but she kills it with sexuality throughout every scene she’s in. And although there were rumors of her leaving, she will be around for a few episodes this season, and I believe will be back full time for Season Three. Thank the good Lord.



What makes this show so fantastic is that for every hilarious and sexual scene, there is a truly heartbreaking-ly real scene. Relationships between family members, significant others, friends, and figures of authority develop and break, and watch the characters have very real reactions to these changes. We see happiness and pain, heartache and desperation. It’s the ups and downs in this show that make it so addictive.

9. Girl Power


With an almost completely female cast, and a mostly-female crew behind the scenes of this show, Orange is the New Black just oozes with girl power. We are women, hear us roar! (From jail cells!)

And last but not least…

10. You Will Learn True Romance

tumblr_mqmpape7ez1qbxva1o1_500If the following lines don’t represent true romance, I don’t know what does:

  • I threw my pie for you!
  • Before I met you the sun was a yellow grape; but now it looks like fire in the sky.
  • I would tell you all the time how much I like your titties.
  • I don’t just like you, I got feelings. Love feelings.

Crazy Eyes is an inspiration to us all.

So crack that Moscato bottle, grab your BFF and a box of tissues, and find a snug spot in the corner of your couch and enjoy the binge. Because remember, Orange is the New Black, and staying-in-watching-Netflix is the new going-out.



Don’t miss a post – FMGMoscato is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!


The Little White Lies we Tell Ourselves

 The Little White Lies we tell ourselves over and over again, hoping to convince ourselves we’ll follow through with them or believe them. Usually, these little white lies are the most simple form of denial a girl can use, we say them to make ourselves feel better but deep down we know we’re lying and the exact opposite is true.

“I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, so I can (eat vast quantities of pizza, consume too much alcohol or binge watch Parks and Rec on Netflix) today and it’s alright”


No. You will not go to the gym tomorrow. By the time you’re indulging on your 3rd slice of pizza, you will have forgotten all about the gym that you’re supposed to be heading to tomorrow. Or maybe you won’t, but when tomorrow comes you’ll just tell yourself “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow” again and keep watching Netflix. It’s a horrible cycle and it’s never-ending, chances are your gym card hasn’t been swiped in months due to your ever-increasing Netflix cue and dedication to cheap pizza and beer. This is one little white lie we’re fine with telling ourselves, who needs the gym anyway?

“I’m only going to have a few drinks”

ann perksins

I don’t know about you, but this one has literally never worked, not even once. I have a full day planned tomorrow with no time for a hangover and then a friend asks me to go out, I use this little excuse as I accept the invitation to a night of binge-drinking. I know I’m not going to have a few drinks, I’m going to have a few too many drinks. Dollar shots sound like a good idea, because hey! They’re only a dollar, so taking 6 of them seems like a good deal! Trust me, they’re not a good deal in the morning when you’re trying to roll out of bed for you 8:30. This is a little white lie we should all try to stop using, hangovers majorly get in the way of a productive day. Let your friends get wildly drunk, it will be entertaining for you and you’ll still have a good time even though you’re only sticking to two or three drinks, tops.

“He’s probably busy”

omg yepad;ljkas;dfljkas;dfjk

The ultimate excuse when a guy takes too long to text/call back. We excuse their three hour delay in responding with things like work, meetings, class, studying, etc. And when they finally do respond, we have a hard time deciding if we should take longer to respond than they did or if we should just respond right away (at the rate he’s answering, it could take days to have a short conversation!). Moscato ladies don’t let anybody (especially guys) walk all over us or abuse our relationship, if you feel like your crush isn’t putting in the same effort as you, we say ditch this little white lie and the guy (just never respond to his text Go out with your girlfriends and find a new cutie whose more interested in you or fall in love with a bottle of wine instead, it’s easier.

“I’m going to study more/get better grades/ try harder next semester”


As the end of semester grades roll around and we see our GPAs, we all make this promise to ourselves. We’re going to spend evenings in the library, attend every class, and go to office hours to talk with the professor. We’ll become better organized and do the readings we’re assigned. This will almost never happen. You will pull all-nights before exams instead of studying in the days leading up to them, you will sit in the back of lecture hall and your prof will never learn your name and you most definitely will not spend evenings in the library, probably because you’ll be at the bars for After School Club. You’ll choose Netflix and your warm bed over a cold lecture hall any day. I like to say, C’s get degrees and D’s get diplomas so this little white lie is one we won’t be getting rid of anytime soon.

“No more eating out or fast food”

haksa;dflkjas;dflkj hahahahahahahahahasoieurweoir

This is a promise we make to ourselves after we eat a Crunchwrap, two Doritos Tacos and a Baja Blast freeze or in other words, after we feel disgusting about eating fast food. Fast food should strictly be for late night drunchies or if you have no other options for food. Not only does eating out/fast food become expensive, it can also be very unhealthy. Greasy, fried fast food cannot be considered healthy or low-cal in any way possible and restaurants over-portion to the point you are eating a meal for two. We say, keep this little white lie and turn it into a conscious decision! Think of how great you’ll feel after two weeks of no fast food, your waistline and wallet will both thank you!

 “One more episode…”


You have something to do and you’re using Netflix as an excuse not to get it done. You could have already done your homework/went for a run/cleaned your apartment/etc, if you had just got out of bed and done it when you first thought about it. Now, you’re 8 episodes deep into House of Cards and it’s getting harder and harder to motivate yourself to stop pressing “watch next episode.” We say ditch this little white lie, get away from your computer and get whatever you need to do done quick, you’ll feel one hundred times better without it hanging over your shoulders. Besides, Frank Underwood will still be there when you get back.

We tell ourselves all kinds of things to make up for self-destructive behavior or actions that aren’t the productive or conducive use of time/money/feelings. Some of these lies can end up hurting us in the long run, but sometimes self-denial isn’t as bad as it sounds. Whatever you do, you should always chose Netflix and pizza over the gym though.

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*Images don’t belong to FMGMoscato. Click images for source.

The Five Friends We All Actually Have

Every FMGM girl needs a group of people in their life that don’t judge the amount of wine bottles on their mantle. Every stupid story you have starts and ends with these bitches. I’ve put together a list of the 5 types of friends every drunk girl needs to stay sane in this crazy world. And no, this isn’t the typical sentimental list about people who help you grow and see the world, FMGM ladies have to be realistic.

1) The Netflix Junkie

Wine is meant to be shared with friends while watching shitty television shows. That’s just science. This friend will never pass up a chance to watch a show and chug a large bottle of wine with you. Not only do they watch the usual wino shows like Scandal or Sex and the City, they are emotionally attached to anything that pops up in the “Popular on Netflix” section.


But you have to be careful with TV junkie’s, they have mastered the art of watching emotional romantic scenes while tipsy. If you’re not careful you’ll probably be wine drunk and crying about your high school boyfriend by 11 p.m. after watching an episode of One Tree Hill. Or that’s what I hear at least…


2) The Jillian Michaels

A steady diet of Mac & Cheese, queso, and wine does wonders for your level of happiness, but nothing for a spring break body. This friend eats everything you do, drinks more than most people you know, but manages to keep her size 2 body by what I’m assuming is a pact with the devil.


And when your pants get a little tight this bitch is ready to kick your ass into shape. She’ll drag you to the gym and torture you until your clothes fit. Which is great, because the quicker you can get into your clothes the quicker you can return to your busy Thursday night schedule of margaritas and Mexican food.


3) The Drunk

Everyone loves a good time, but this friend LIVES for a good time. If you haven’t seriously thought about leashing this girl when you’re at a bar, than you need to find a better drunk to hang out with. You can hold her credit cards and monitor her at a pregame but the minute you enter the bar she’s blacked out doing something wild while everyone looks on.

dancing easter bunny

If you can stick with her through the night you’re going to make a ton of new friends. If not, you can bet she’ll be strolling into your house still drunk at 8 a.m. looking for someone to get Taco Bell breakfast with and smelling like a frat house.


4) The Adventurer

Your high school boyfriends cousin offered you tickets to a concert two states away? You know exactly who you should call. This friend will be packed and in the car with a road trip playlist in less than an hour, ready for a weekend surrounded by people you don’t know.


If you end up in an abandoned asylum in the middle of the night, it was probably her fault. (Not like I’m speaking from personal experience…) Any stupid idea or injury you ever had was probably thought up with the help of this girl. But hey, everyone needs some crazy stories to share with the grandkids someday.


5) The Ride or Die

Last but not least, everyone needs a few good friends who embody all of these characteristics. These are the ones who are content spending a night drinking wine and watching shitty TV or taking body shots at the bar with you. They are going to pour wine and every other type of alcohol down your throat on your 21st birthday and stay up til 5 AM to order you Jimmy John’s and hold your hair. If you’re smart, you’ll live with these bitches. Because there is nothing better than waking up on a Saturday morning, walking across the hall, and continuing your weekend bender with your best friends.


10 things better than having a thigh gap

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”


Whoever said that clearly hasn’t tried anything on this list.

We try to work out. We try to count our calories (sometimes). We mix our drinks with diet sodas, and low-cal mixers. We don’t Netflix binge for more than a few hours days at a time. We walk to bars for exercise, rather than taking a cab. We do our best.

Am I saying you should let yourself go completely? Of course not. Am I hating on girls who have a thigh gap? No. If you can have your cake, and thigh gap too, f*ck you good for you. I’m jealous.

I’m saying your happiness is more important than having the skinniest arm in pictures, or a gap between your legs big enough for a dick to slip into, if you bump into a guy on the street.

So I don’t know about you, but if a thigh gap doesn’t come with all of the following delights, I don’t want one.

1.  Having burritos > having a thigh gap


2.  Having pizza > Having a thigh gap


3. Having chocolate > having a thigh gap


4.  Laying in bed forever > going to the gym to get a thigh gap

bed is my friend

5.  Breaking the record for longest Netflix Binge > going to the gym to get a thigh gap


6.  Having [naturally] big tits > having a thigh gap

kate upton

7.  Having cake > having a thigh gap.

drunk food

8.  Having mac and cheese > having a thigh gap

mac and cheese

9.  Having drunk food > having a thigh gap.

more drunk food

10.  Having an entire bottle of wine instead of a “healthy,” single serving >>>>>>> than having a thigh gap

olivia pope

drink wine from bottle

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*Images do not belong to FMGMoscato. Click image for source.