Tag Archives: cures

How to Deal With a Hangover

So you had one too many drinks last night.

You don’t remember the exact amount of drinks you had, but you know it was somewhere around a billion.


You thought a glass of water and a few ibuprofen before bed would do the trick. No, no, no, no, no. You were the furthest thing from right.


The pounding headache. The nausea. The dizziness. The regrets. It’s already here.  It’s too late.


Now deal with it.

1. Cold Shower

We all know that feeling. The one when you stumble out of the bed with your eyes half open and walk to the bathroom to look in the mirror and see a creature staring back at you. We’re victims of what I like to call the “Jenny Humphrey Effect”.  Smeared makeup, raccoon eyes. Plus you just feel gross, reek of booze and bad decisions, and have some kind of sticky, unidentified substance in your hair.

jenny 2arrow rightjenny humph

A cold shower will wash away most of evidence of your hot mess status last night (unfortunately not your memories or mysterious bruises though). Why cold? Even if it is miserable, it’ll tug you from  zombie status back to real life.

2. Sexy Time

This one is self-explanatory. It’s even scientific. Orgasms are a natural form of pain relief and they’re fun. You’ll even feel a little prettier despite the fact that you’ve got huge bags under your eyes. So get back in the sheets for thirty minutes and get busy with your boo thang and/or vibrator.

sexy time


3.  Fresh Air

When you’re hungover all you can seem to manage to do is lay on the couch and contemplate death. Do yourself a favor. Be the brave girl that you are and open your front door. Trust me, a little fresh air will make a big difference. So get off your ass, get outside, and escape the pathetic, self-pitying atmosphere in your apartment.


4. Get Moving & Be Productive

I know you want to skip class and call in sick to work.  Sometimes this is inevitable, especially when you need to be within a 30 seconds distance of a toilet at all times.


If you can make it out the door though, go to class, go to the gym, go to work. DO SOMETHING. If you are just laying around, all you can focus on is your own misery. By doing something, you can distract yourself from some of the pain, I promise.

And when all else fails…

5. Laugh at Someone Who is More Hungover Than You

Sucks to suck.




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*Images don’t belong to FMGMoscato. Click images for sources.